ASL - AISHA STEEL MILLS LIMITED 10.6 0.11 (1.05%) __ BOP - BANK OF PUNJAB LIMITED 9.4 0.08 (0.86%) __ CNERGY - CNERGYICO PK LIMITED 5.87 0.03 (0.51%) __ FCCL - FAUJI CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 35.6 1.63 (4.8%) __ FFBL - FAUJI FERTILIZER BIN QASIM 87.37 5.07 (6.16%) __ FFL - FAUJI FOODS LIMITED 13.04 0.29 (2.27%) __ GGL - GHANI GASES LIMITED 13.34 0.03 (0.23%) __ HASCOL - Hascol Petroleum Limited 11.42 0.16 (1.38%) __ HUBC - HUB POWER COMPANY LTD 126.2 5.59 (4.63%) __ KEL - K ELECTRIC LIMITED 5.2 0.02 (0.38%) __ KOSM - KOHINOOR SPINNING MILLS LTD. 6.88 0.36 (5.52%) __ MLCF - MAPLE LEAF CEMENT FACTORY LIMITED (MPLC) 44.6 2.49 (5.91%) __ OBOY - OILBOY ENGERGY LIMITED 11.39 1.26 (9.96%) __ PACE - PACE (PAK) LIMITED 7.01 0.78 (12.52%) __ PAEL - PAK ELEKTRON LIMITED 38.75 1.17 (3.11%) __ PIBTL - Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Limited 8.25 0.18 (2.23%) __ POWER - Power Cement Limited 8.33 0.07 (0.83%) __ PPL - PAK PETROLEUM LTD. 188.6 1.72 (0.9%) __ PRL - PAKISTAN REFINERY LIMITED 38.5 0.33 (0.86%) __ PSO - PAKISTAN STATE OIL COMPANY LTD. 396.5 15.81 (4.15%) __ PTC - PAKISTAN TELECOMMUNICATION 25.8 2.35 (10.02%) __ SEARL - SEARL COMPANY LIMITED 100.15 2.21 (2.26%) __ SNGP - SUI NORTHERN GAS LIMITED 93.89 2.15 (2.24%) __ SSGC - SUI SOUTHERN GAS COMPANY LIMITED 45.51 0.97 (2.09%) __ TELE - TELECARD LIMITED 8.21 0.01 (0.12%) __ TPLP - TPL PROPERTIES LIMITED 13.22 0.33 (2.44%) __ TREET - TREET CORPORATION LIMITED 21.65 1.08 (4.75%) __ WTL - WORLDCALL TELECOM 1.59 0.07 (4.61%) __

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Is there any minimum limit for account opening?

No. At Friendly Securities (Private) Limited there are no minimum limit for account opening.

How do I open my account?

To open an account, you have to fill complete an account opening form (available from our office and can be downloaded by clicking here), provide relevant document and submit to our office.

What is CGT Tax?

Government of Pakistan ("GOP") had imposed Capital Gains Tax ("CGT") on shareholder. CGT is a separate and independent tax, which has no connection with your other incomes like salary or business. It is calculated based on the profit (Capital gain) from dealing in shares. It is computed on the basis of FIFO (First in First Out) method. For intra-day trades, CGT will be computed on the basis day trade method.
The Capital Gains Tax collection and deduction is carried out by The National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited ("NCCPL"), which has been declared a tax collecting agent under the amended law. The Calculation of CGT amount is based on the methodology used by NCCPL which is available on their website. You can get all CGT related information from this NCCPL link or you can contact NCCPL Customer Support Helpdesk at 0800-23275.

What is CVT?

CVT stands for Capital value tax which is charged by government. CVT rate is 0.01% will be applied on purchase amount.

What is SST?

SST (Sindh Sales Tax) which is charged by government. SST rate is 13% will be charged on commission amount.

Is there a restriction to place any particular type of Order?

Yes there is a restriction on two types of orders. Short Sell orders for regular market are not allowed to be placed and also Wash Trades (executing a day trade of a particular share where buying and selling is at the same rate) are prohibited.

How can I purchase/sell investments?

Once you open an account and entitlement is obtained, orders may also be placed over the telephone with the equity trader assigned for your service.

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