ACPL - ATTOCK CEM.PAK.LIMITED 98.5 0.99 (1%) __ AVN - Avanceon Limited 54.35 0.05 (0.09%) __ CHAS - CHASHMA SUGAR MILLS LIMITED 66.01 0 (0%) __ CSIL - CRESCENT STAR INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED 2.91 0.03 (1.02%) __ EPCL - ENGRO POLYMER & CHEMICALS LIMITED 43.63 0.12 (0.27%) __ FFBL - FAUJI FERTILIZER BIN QASIM 36.4 0.06 (0.16%) __ FFL - FAUJI FOODS LIMITED 9.12 0.08 (0.87%) __ GATM - GUL AHMED TEXTILE MILLS LTD. 20.4 0.08 (0.39%) __ GHNI - GHANDHARA IND. LTD 294.99 14.63 (5.22%) __ HUBC - HUB POWER COMPANY LTD 163.99 0.24 (0.15%) __ KAPCO - KOT ADDU POWER 34 0.2 (0.59%) __ KEL - K ELECTRIC LIMITED 4.72 0.05 (1.05%) __ MCB - MCB BANK LIMITED 227 1.16 (0.51%) __ MLCF - MAPLE LEAF CEMENT FACTORY LIMITED (MPLC) 38.4 0.93 (2.48%) __ NETSOL - NETSOL TECHNOLOGIES 136.7 0.92 (0.67%) __ NML - NISHAT MILLS LTD. 68.3 0.58 (0.84%) __ NRL - NATIONAL REFINERY LTD. 275.4 2.11 (0.77%) __ OGDC - OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED 132.9 0.05 (0.04%) __ PAEL - PAK ELEKTRON LIMITED 25.96 0.21 (0.8%) __ PIBTL - Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Limited 6.31 0.1 (1.61%) __ POWER - Power Cement Limited 5.32 0.07 (1.3%) __ PSO - PAKISTAN STATE OIL COMPANY LTD. 175 2.23 (1.29%) __ PSX - PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED 16.1 0.28 (1.77%) __ SAZEW - SAZGAR ENGINEERING WORKS LIMITED 981 66.09 (7.22%) __ SEARL - SEARL COMPANY LIMITED 58.19 0.08 (0.14%) __ SHFA - SHIFA INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALS LTD 142.1 2.19 (1.52%) __ TRG - TRG PAKISTAN 60.87 0.08 (0.13%) __ UNITY - UNITY FOODS LIMITED 31.3 0.2 (0.63%) __ WAVES - WAVES CORPORATION LIMITED 7.18 0.05 (0.69%) __

Online Trading

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You can't grow long-term if you can't eat short-term. Anybody can manage short. Anybody can manage long. Balancing those two things is what management is.


Online Trading

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Online Trading
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FRIENDLY believe in maximizing investor's profits based on our timely and accurate research; to cement their trust and grow with them. FRIENDLY protects investor's interests by adhering to highest standards of fiduciary responsibility and accurately diversifying allocations.


Our mission is to differentiate ourselves as an institution built on trust. Integrity, Good Governance and Commitment to deliver to all stakeholders nationally and internationally.

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