ASL - AISHA STEEL MILLS LIMITED 10.6 0.11 (1.05%) __ BOP - BANK OF PUNJAB LIMITED 9.4 0.08 (0.86%) __ CNERGY - CNERGYICO PK LIMITED 5.87 0.03 (0.51%) __ FCCL - FAUJI CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 35.6 1.63 (4.8%) __ FFBL - FAUJI FERTILIZER BIN QASIM 87.37 5.07 (6.16%) __ FFL - FAUJI FOODS LIMITED 13.04 0.29 (2.27%) __ GGL - GHANI GASES LIMITED 13.34 0.03 (0.23%) __ HASCOL - Hascol Petroleum Limited 11.42 0.16 (1.38%) __ HUBC - HUB POWER COMPANY LTD 126.2 5.59 (4.63%) __ KEL - K ELECTRIC LIMITED 5.2 0.02 (0.38%) __ KOSM - KOHINOOR SPINNING MILLS LTD. 6.88 0.36 (5.52%) __ MLCF - MAPLE LEAF CEMENT FACTORY LIMITED (MPLC) 44.6 2.49 (5.91%) __ OBOY - OILBOY ENGERGY LIMITED 11.39 1.26 (9.96%) __ PACE - PACE (PAK) LIMITED 7.01 0.78 (12.52%) __ PAEL - PAK ELEKTRON LIMITED 38.75 1.17 (3.11%) __ PIBTL - Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Limited 8.25 0.18 (2.23%) __ POWER - Power Cement Limited 8.33 0.07 (0.83%) __ PPL - PAK PETROLEUM LTD. 188.6 1.72 (0.9%) __ PRL - PAKISTAN REFINERY LIMITED 38.5 0.33 (0.86%) __ PSO - PAKISTAN STATE OIL COMPANY LTD. 396.5 15.81 (4.15%) __ PTC - PAKISTAN TELECOMMUNICATION 25.8 2.35 (10.02%) __ SEARL - SEARL COMPANY LIMITED 100.15 2.21 (2.26%) __ SNGP - SUI NORTHERN GAS LIMITED 93.89 2.15 (2.24%) __ SSGC - SUI SOUTHERN GAS COMPANY LIMITED 45.51 0.97 (2.09%) __ TELE - TELECARD LIMITED 8.21 0.01 (0.12%) __ TPLP - TPL PROPERTIES LIMITED 13.22 0.33 (2.44%) __ TREET - TREET CORPORATION LIMITED 21.65 1.08 (4.75%) __ WTL - WORLDCALL TELECOM 1.59 0.07 (4.61%) __

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